Editing a group




Edit Group


Ctrl+[ (Windows)

Cmd+[ (Mac)

Use the Edit Group command to edit individual objects in a group without ungrouping them. This command also edits a group of objects that is nested inside another group; each time the command is selected, the program moves one level deeper into the group. See Object editing mode for details.

A master snap point can be created when editing a group, setting the location by adding a 2D and/or 3D locus where priority snapping should occur, when enabled in the Snap to Object tool (see Snapping to an object). In the Object Info palette of the selected locus, select Master Snap Point. If the master snap point is in an obscure location and you want it to always display when the snap box is over the group, select Show Master Snap Point Outside Snap Box.

Use the Edit Group Options quick preference to specify how you exit a group being edited; the commands can also be selected from the Window menu. 

Menu command


Use large exit group button

When a group is being edited, show a large button with the label Exit Group in the upper right corner of the drawing area

Use small exit group button

When a group is being edited, show a small button with an arrow icon in the upper right corner of the drawing area

<Esc><Esc> exits group

When a group is being edited, pressing the Escape key twice exits editing mode

<Esc><Esc> does not exit group

When a group is being edited, pressing the Escape key twice does not exit editing mode

Returning to top level



Top Level


Select the Top Level command when editing nested groups, to return to the main drawing area in a single step.

The program automatically exits all groups being edited and returns to the main drawing area.

Setting quick preferences


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